Saturday 7 November 2009

A Mother 333 of a show!

It was with not a little fire in the mind, that The Scratch took to the ‘floor’ at mother bar last night, stung or at least a little indignant at having to drop Dial Xero from the set, due to a rambling performance from the previous band... (urggggg)... however, as long as long as its channelled, anger can be an EN-ER-GY... and on this occasion it was and positively so!...

The assembled throng, of hand picked Hoxton, die hard Scratchettes, PR and Radio aficionados were treated to a 12 track set that spanned the 7 years of the bands output to date. From Alcohol’s a depressant to Teen Idol, The Scratch delivered a veritable fondant fancy of a show, served up with a crashing Dear Maniac posing as the glistening the cherry!

By the close, there was a furious frenzied vibe bouncing from the flock wall paper, off the windows, round the mirrors and back off the crowd, as the writhing Andy (entangled in beer soaked mic stand and black tie combo), and the almost literally ‘fly on the window’ routine from the ‘Jack in a box’ Filthmeister brought finale Smell the Gas Taps to a howling cresendo... to coin an appropriate phrase for the surroundings, it was ‘vintage’ Scratch!

Great big thanks to Jord for coming down after Andy had previously appeared on his recharged radio show, (featuring a rare, but welcome outing for Undercover!), to Lana for bringing her elegant entourage, gorgeous Rosie and her fairy dust felines, the marvelous, Mr.Mckewan, celebrity duo Ryan & Kelly, Smoky J and all the others who bopped, sang and boogied on a truly enjoyable night in the smoke.

So, one more to go for 09, let’s absolutely ram the Horn guys, lets party like it’s 2 THOU SAND and 9!!!!

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